LiftFund– a nonprofit small business lender located in 13 states — offers affordable loans to new and existing small business owners. At LiftFund- El Paso, we provide loans– from $500 to $1 million– that allow entrepreneurs to purchase new and used equipment, and help growth under way.
“It’s a bonding opportunity for ourselves and the client,” said Elvira Valles, VP West Region. ” LiftFund offers free and affordable small business events and seminars that aim to provide resources We are here to assist you, it is our pleasure to provide you these services; not only the commercial lending [side] of this, but the technical assistance as well.”
Ready to learn more about loan options or visit with the LiftFund El Paso-office?
Contact Us Today:
- Call us at: 888-215-2373
- Visit the office: 14221 Lee Trevino, El Paso, Texas, 79935
Listen to Elvira’s local radio interview: