Taylor Tucker was inspired to start her own business since she was a little girl. She says, “Both of my parents are entrepreneurs, so at a very early age I knew and understood that I was meant to make myself rich and not other people rich.”
Always determined and hardworking, she began her career working as an independent esthetician while also balancing work in the mortgage field. It was at this time that she met Saliymah Dacosta, “we kind of had like the same vision,” says Taylor.
Taylor and Saliymah put their experiences together to grow a business from the ground up. Initially having a hard time finding financing, they decided to bootstrap the business. Taylor remembers, “we used about $2,500 of our own money each in order to get at least the basics that we needed to start our business.”
With the foundation built, their business took off. Touch-N-Skin Health and Wellness Spa offered luxury massages, beauty services and an extensive menu of facials and skin care.
With business booming, Taylor started looking for a loan to help grow her business. However, she faced several obstacles in securing funding that only made her more diligent to reach her goal, “I did a lot of research, reading, watching YouTube ordeals and everything.”
One day she remembered how LiftFund had helped another friend start a business. Then the process towards her next steps finally got started. Taylor says that the LiftFund team “was very helpful. They made the process extremely easy for us. If there was something that we didn’t understand, then they would just break it down.”
Taylor says that the loan from LiftFund was impactful for her business, “It helped us grow. It helped us get the materials and the equipment that we needed in order to move forward and build up our clientele and have enough space for the demand.”
Always looking towards the future, Taylor is now working on creating a Touch-N-Skin franchise. She’s also looking to pass on her entrepreneurial mindset and drive to her little ones, just like she was brought up.
Like many entrepreneurs, she knows about the benefits of starting your own business and wants to share her knowledge. She advises, “Don’t give up…Things don’t come when you want them. They come when you least expect them.”