After serving in the U.S. Navy for nearly a decade, Robyn Jean Grable faced the challenge most familiar to veterans: finding a civilian job, despite her valuable skills. Robyn worked hard to overcome the roadblocks and established a successful career. Still, she realized that standard job filters caused many employers to miss out on great talent, especially veterans.
Harnessing her HR expertise and military background, Robyn designed Veterans ASCEND to leverage advanced algorithms and match fellow veterans and military spouses with employers across the nation. The company was in its development stages when the bank suddenly withdrew its loan offer. Robyn decided that giving up wasn’t an option, so she arranged a meeting with LiftFund.
Working with the LiftFund team, Robyn secured funding to complete development, pay down business debts and hire two new staff members. “One of the biggest challenges to our business was funding. LiftFund really came to our rescue,” said Robyn.
Despite the pandemic, Veterans ASCEND has connected many employers with talented veterans nationwide for remote and in-person jobs. Robyn also credits the PPP loan and LiftFund’s payment relief support with keeping her company afloat.
“Connecting veterans with companies who are intentionally hiring military talent, connecting them to careers that utilize the skills they proudly earned through their service to our country, and giving them financial freedom after completing their service — it’s a huge impact,” reflected Robyn.
Today, Robyn is working to expand Veterans ASCEND’s model to service other overlooked candidates, including people with disabilities, recent graduates, first responders, and second chance employees. As she continues to break down job barriers for underserved populations, Robyn hopes to leave behind a legacy of hard work, kindness and perseverance for her children and four young grandchildren.