Upcoming Events

Grow your skill set and make connections with other business owners and community organizations.

LiftFund’s events offer you a chance to learn new skills, navigate the complexities of business ownership, and meet other members of LiftFund’s community. We do our best to accommodate your schedule with a mix of in-person and online events.


If you’d like to watch some of our past Webinars, you can see our. Visit our Resources page to watch our past webinars.

Preparing for Venture Fundraising & Ask A CFO

Addison Treehouse 14681 Midway Road, Addison

How well are you prepared for the venture fundraising process? Raising capital looks quick and easy on TV, but the real process is time consuming and extremely competitive. Join Keith Davidson, a Consulting CFO with CLA, who will discuss what you need to know before you start.