Upcoming Events

Grow your skill set and make connections with other business owners and community organizations.

LiftFund’s events offer you a chance to learn new skills, navigate the complexities of business ownership, and meet other members of LiftFund’s community. We do our best to accommodate your schedule with a mix of in-person and online events.


If you’d like to watch some of our past Webinars, you can see our. Visit our Resources page to watch our past webinars.

July WomenRISE: 9 Proven Strategies To Profitably and Powerfully Scale Your Business 

Online Event / Webinar Online, Dallas, TX 75247, Dallas

Did you start your business to gain more freedom in your life, only to quickly learn that freedom in business comes down to two precious currencies – time and money? If you find yourself working harder than ever with less to show for it, then this free session is for you! Leslie Hassler of Your Biz […]
